Why Buying Local Food is Important for our Community

Whether you are a farmer, chef, or just a food lover, buying local food is one of the best things that you can do for your community. Here's why:

Buying Local Supports Local Farmers

You may not think about it, but local farmers are an integral part of our community. They provide us with a wide variety of fresh food throughout the year, from peaches and blackberries to squash in the summer, to greens in the fall and winter.

This means that even if there are hard times for farmers or fruit shortages from other parts of the country due to weather or pests, we can still get good food from our local farms, even if the varieties are a bit limited.

Local farmers also contribute to our economy by growing and harvesting crops which provide jobs for people right here in North Texas!

Local Foods Are Fresher

Eating local foods is far healthier than eating processed, canned, or frozen meals. Fresh produce contains less sodium and more nutrients than food that has been sitting around on grocery store shelves for weeks. Local foods are also more environmentally friendly because they do not require extensive travel to get to you. Not only that, but fresh food tastes better! Food loses flavor after it's been shipped across the country in trucks or airplanes; by the time it reaches your plate, your meal may have lost some of its taste buds along with all of its nutrients. When you buy local products from Profound Food's Online Farmer's Market, you're guaranteed to get a fresher product with fewer preservatives than what you would find at larger chain stores like Walmart and Target.

Local Food Tastes Better

Local food just simply tastes better. This is a fact that can be proven by taste. Local food is fresher, grown in the right conditions, and with more care by farmers who know how to grow the best crops. When you buy local produce and meats, you are supporting your own community and ensuring that your dollars stay close to home. You know where it came from, what was used on it, and how it was prepared. If you have any concerns about the safety of your food, talk to your farmer before buying—they'll be happy to tell you all about their products and growing practices!

Buying Local Strengthens Community

If you’re not already buying local, you should be!

Buying local food keeps money in your community. When you buy food from Profound Food's Online Farmer's Market, your money goes directly to the farmers who grew it. That means that they can spend more time doing what they love—growing plants and raising animals—rather than having to take on extra jobs like waiting tables or working construction. In addition, when you choose a piece of fruit, vegetable, or meat that was grown locally, it doesn't have to travel very far before it reaches your plate; so less fuel is used during transportation. This helps reduce our impact on the environment!

Know Where Your Food Comes From

When you buy local food, you can be confident that it's delicious, safe, and sustainable. You'll know exactly where it came from and how it was grown. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your food is healthy for your body and for the environment.

Local farms are places where people grow our food—they're owned by farmers who live in our community. They take pride in growing the freshest produce possible, which means there's no need to put on a hazmat suit when visiting them!

Farmers are also friends with other farmers so they trade or sell their extra produce to one another instead of transporting it long distances like most large-scale corporate farms would do. That helps keep costs down while still providing access to nutrient-rich foods year-round!

Buying local helps you, the farmer, and your community.

The benefits of buying local food are three-fold. First, for you: it's fresher, healthier, and tastes better. Fresh produce has been picked at its peak of ripeness and freshness, so the flavor is much more intense than the same fruit or vegetable that was shipped from far away and stored for a long time.

Second, buying local food helps farmers make a living off their land by selling what they grow on their own farm instead of having to sell out—and thus lose control over—to an outside company with ulterior motives. A study done in 2007 showed that only 1-5% of farmland in Texas remains under family ownership; most farm families have either sold their land outright or leased it out indefinitely due to mounting financial pressure from agricultural corporations who buy up massive tracts at low prices then turn around and charge high rents to leaseholders!

Finally, buying local strengthens community ties by keeping money within your community instead of sending it elsewhere (i.e., Walmart). This means less money goes out into the world economy which means we're not supporting multinationals that exploit workers overseas or damage our environment through large-scale resource extraction activities here at home.'

We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of buying local and why it’s good for our community. Local food is better for us, the farmers and our community. By supporting local farmers, we get healthier foods for our families and strengthen our communities by knowing where our food comes from.


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